3 Signs God is Preparing You For a Major Financial Breakthrough- Inspired
A true friend doesn’t run away when someone fails; they run to the person. Your friends don’t need you as much when everything is going great, they’re seeing dreams come to pass, success. Celebrate with them, that’s exciting, but when they really need you is when things aren’t so great. They’ve made mistakes. Life has thrown them a curve; the medical report wasn’t good. When their faith is low, that’s when you can make the biggest difference. They need some borrowed faith. They need you to believe for them while they can’t believe. They need you to speak victory while they’re too discouraged.
Enjoyed the journey, not the destination.
A lot of delay our happiness when I get to this level.
When I get my degree, when I get the kids, when I get married, I’m gonna be happy.
Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the whole step.
The whole process every day that you get up to strive for whatever it is you’re after.
You know, I’m a goal oriented a guy.
Yeah. Absolutely.
But you don’t celebrate when you get to the finish line. Celebrate all along the way. All along
the way. Your existence is not by accident.
Your existence has so much meaning Are you ready to take on the unknown?
Are you prepared for it?
But people say, we don’t have the time. We have twenty four hours a day.
There was not one single minute that I wasted.
And this is why I’m standing here today.
You’re waiting for all this situations to come together perfectly. And I’m telling you you cannot wait.
You gotta start working right now.
Don’t compare yourself to people that you feel are more qualified than you.
Don’t compare yourself to people that you think that are more talented than you.
Don’t compare yourself to other people’s giftings as the end of the
day hard work works. You get to choose whether or not you will pursue peace or toss and turn it in because you’re not seeing the results that you desire to see.
You will fail in your comfort zone. Success is not a comfortable procedure.
One off day can switch air. It can turn everything around.
Ever watched a match before one point could change the course of history. Just one extra point.
You have got to recognize the possibilities within you. Nothing is gonna be east.
Nothing is gonna be hand to you. You gotta go through it.
You got to hurt so you can, bro. You got to feel Make a difference.
Move for it. Do something unique in your life.
I’m challenging you to declare victory.
Either when it looks like the odds are against you, and you have to say to your else, I’m going to get through this.
Whatever is in your life that’s trying to break you, it is not waiting so you cannot wait.
See, those of you who will evolve, who are willing to evolve, you will inherit the few Those of you are willing to take everything you do to the next level.
You will inherit the future. It is the individual who is it to become more.
No idea works unless you’re willing to roll up your sleeves, do the practice, invest the time, put in the effort, do the work.
I think we’ve all observed a lot of people who they love reading the books, They love showing up at the courses.
They do all the online training, and nothing ever changes.
Well, it’s because ideas don’t work if you don’t execute on them.
So if you look at the great business builders, you look at any great performer.
One thing that makes them great. Is their grit.
One thing that makes them great is their hunger to practice.
One thing that makes them great is they are willing to sacrifice.
Today, people have no patience.
We all want it right now, and people don’t only not commit to mastery, but they rarely even find a real mentor or coach.
They think they have all the answers. They try a few things and it doesn’t work.
They run to something else. If you want a great jump in the quality of your life, an extraordinary jump in the quality of your life.
You gotta set yourself up to win.
You gotta set yourself up for the process that allows you to consistently grow, consistently enjoy your life and consistently produce the results that you’re really after.
We’re built for struggle as human beings.
You you’re not after the bubbles of bliss that Dostievsky described in in notes from underground.
We’re built to contend with the world. We’re built to contend with reality.
You want a challenge, and the best way that you can take on a challenge because a challenge challenge fortifies you.
So you don’t wanna be secure. You wanna be strong. And you get strong by taking on optimal challenges.
And so you lay out your destiny in the world and you take the slings and arrows faint.
And you make yourself stronger while you’re doing so, and you might fail, and fortune might do you in.
But it’s your best bet
See, most people stop short of their dreams and park and get off the highway of life because of the rejections of life.
You will always reject It’s no big deal. I can’t feel said rejection is a myth.
It’s not like when somebody says no, and then they slap you? No.
It’s just, you know, to me, make know your vitamin. Get excited about it. No. Why?
Because every time someone says, no, I brings you another step to a yes. You’re getting closer. Trust me.
You will win. If you don’t quit, you will win if you quit.
Even a pro clock is right twice a day.
The investment of belief in people sowing seeds of belief. That’s what makes you a leader.
He was like, makes me a leader? Make you a leader as your example.
What makes you a leader is you investing belief and loving and caring about people.
Any one of you in this moment could decide you’re gonna lead because leadership is instilling something in someone that they don’t see in themselves.
Loving on them. Believe it. I’m seeing they’re gifted as all of you.
I don’t care if you’re loud or quiet. Big here or small here. You could be a leader.
The bottom line as you need to decide you wanna lead.
You’ve gotta be willing to suffer for your vision. You’ve gotta be willing to suffer.
To reach BII best in world.
You’ve got to be willing to suffer the ridicule and laughter of your critics and your cynics to get to a place called World class.
My message, it’s up. It’s a challenge, but it’s opportunity.
And it’s an opportunity for people like love.
We talk about how do we create rituals or how do we change habits. Um, that last.
The first thing is to have a different expectation than I’m gonna change in a day or a week on twenty one days.
Whenever I try to change anything, my number one rule is one hundred days or I don’t even start.
So if I want to, let’s say, stop caffeine, It’s a one hundred day commitment.
So first, I make longer term commitments, and then I design a plan to retrain my brain around the expectation of following through.
I make pre commitments in advance. So if I say, let’s say I’m gonna stop drinking coffee.
I say, okay, I’m gonna stop drinking coffee. I’ve committed to it for one hundred days.
And then I write out, well, what will you do in the morning when you wake up and you want a coffee?
What will you do when you’re at a restaurant with friends and everybody’s having a coffee.
What will you do? So you counter any of the behavior when you know the trigger is gonna happen.
Every habit has three parts to it. There’s something that triggers the the the emotion.
There’s the behavior And then there’s the neurological and biological reward.
So when you understand the habit part of any ritual, you understand that because we are conditioned a certain way, we’re gonna have a trigger, whether it’s a flower, whether it’s waking up, whether it’s a grow or a guy or or children coming home, it triggers a response in the brain or reaction of the brain.
If we change the behavior over the course of one hundred days, we’ll still get the reward.
And if we pre commit to what we’re going to do when we say, uh, maybe today I’ll have the coffee tomorrow I won’t.
Uh, maybe today I’ll have the pizza or the dessert and I’ll catch up tomorrow.
Well, if you pre commit in advance that you’re not gonna take that action, Then that’s step one.
Step two is when you have the trigger, if you interrupt the behavior, For one or two or three or four minutes, you interrupt the neural pattern in the brain also.
So you come up with strategies.
What I feel like having a cough or dessert, or the pizza, or the croissant. Okay.
Then here’s what I’m going to do in stead for five minutes, and that way I can interrupt the pattern.
If you do that long enough, You’ll start to develop a new neural pattern.
You’ll start to develop a new behavior.
And if you do it for at least you know, sixty six days, but preferably a hundred days will start to develop a new way of thinking and being and doing that will overshadow the other pattern in the brain.
Very interesting.
Yeah. So there’s there’s a there’s a psychology behind it, but there’s also the neurological processes of the brain.
And what happens is our brain doesn’t like change. Yeah.
So anytime that there is change, the brain see it feels uncomfortable.
Soon as it feels uncomfortable, it’ll send signals to the motor cortex of the brain.
It’ll send um, messages, and we’ll start to rationalize.
We’ll start to tell ourselves, well, I shouldn’t do it because of this.
Well, maybe today is not a good day.
Well, I’ll start today you know, but I won’t continue till next week or, you know, what, I really don’t want this.
We start to talk to ourselves.
And when we understand what the brain does whenever we try to change, then we can start being in control of the brain, and we can override the automatic responses.
There’s something called automaticity. And automaticity states that anything that I repeat over and over and over again over a period of time will go from conscious effort, deliberate conscious effort, will power or persistence, and it’ll become automatic.
So we just have to know how long that is. In some things take a week.
Some things take sixty days. Some habits that people have for twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years take two hundred days.
And so you start off with a hundred day window.
And you ask yourself, am I willing to give a little bit of effort for one hundred days to remove this destructive either thought pattern or destructive behavioral pattern in order for me to have something greater and better than what I have right now.
So it’s very important. You you focus a lot what you would have, or what you who you would have, who you would be in the future to keep as your, your motivation.
If you think about this, one of the best examples that I ever came up with is imagine if I give you a Hollywood script right now.
Okay? And I say to you, um, if you learn this script for the next six months, I would give you ten million dollars to be on stage to deliver that.
We’re gonna film you. And if you’re amazing, you’re gonna have a chance to win an Academy Award.
What will you do with the script starting today?
I start to learn.
I start to
learn and we start to read it. You start to emotionalize it. You start to practice it.
You start to you start to do everything possible to become something that’s in writing.
Something that came out of somebody’s head that they wrote a script for that you don’t have any idea what it is.
But if you made a commitment to becoming that person and you rehearsed it and practiced it every day.
You wouldn’t get it right the first day or the first week. Month.
But if you knew there was a big payday, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and that people would go theaters and love to watch it and they laugh or cry or be sad and be happy because you’re able to take them on a beautiful emotional roller coaster ride.
Then you would become that role.
Most people are interested. They’re not committed.
And the difference is when you’re interested, you do what’s convenient and what’s easy.
When you’re committed, you do whatever it takes.
When you’re interested, You do what’s easy and what’s convenient for you.
But when you’re committed, I’m gonna get that result.
You put everything into it until you get the results.