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Good Morning America – MAY 06, 2023 !????

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23

Dear God,

We come before you on this beautiful morning of May 06, 2023, thanking you for the gift of a new day. We ask that you bless this morning in America with your divine presence and grace. May your light shine upon us and guide us through the day, giving us wisdom, courage, and strength to face any challenges that may come our way.

We pray for the people of America, that you bless them with good health, prosperity, and peace. May you watch over them and guide them towards a path of righteousness and fulfillment. May they be filled with love and kindness, spreading your message of compassion to all those they encounter.

We ask that you bless our leaders, giving them the wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions for our country. May they be guided by your hand and inspired by your grace.

As we begin this new day in America, we pray that you bless us with your love and grace. May we be a reflection of your light to those around us, spreading positivity and happiness wherever we go.

We ask all of this in your holy name, Amen.

You are protected by God each and every day; therefore, you are not destroyed by the troubles you face.
Would you agree that God’s plan for your life is the best one? As a result, you will experience safety, peace, and fulfillment in your daily life. He will be by your side no matter what. There are enough troubles in every day, but God does not wish you to bear them alone. Whenever you need Him, He is there for you. You need to trust Him always.
Don’t blame God or other people if you get overwhelmed by issues. You should blame yourself for not adhering to God’s perfect plan for you. When you pray and meditate upon God’s word, you will discover what His plan is for your life. You can make decisions and moves that are in line with His divine plan if you allow Him to influence your mind with His.

God is full of compassion for you! His Mercy and Grace begins a fresh start each morning! Keep on trusting Him. He is right there with you. Lean closer to Him and He will fill you with His wisdom and peace that surpasses all things. He is kind, just and faithful.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for a blessed morning. Thank you for your new fresh mercies each new day. Thank you for blessing and guiding me today. May your presence keep following me at all times and I pray I abide in you. In Jesus name, Amen.



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