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Saturday Prayers for Family

God, I lift up my family this Saturday. And I ask you humbly that You would protect each one of them. That You would be their guide and help in times of need. Lord, I lift up those who don’t know You. God bring them to Salvation in Your Son Jesus. Soften their hearts and transform them for your glory. Bless this day for my family. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for my family. Thank you for my spouse and children. You have blessed me greatly and I praise You for showing me so much kindness. Draw my family close to You and wrap them up in Your loving arms. Watch over us and assign angels to protect us O’ Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Dear Lord,

As I enter into this weekend, I pray for peace and happiness for myself and my family. May we find rest and joy in the blessings of this time, and may your love and presence fill our hearts.

Grant us the strength to face any challenges that may arise, and the wisdom to make wise decisions. Help us to approach each situation with kindness, grace, and a positive attitude. May we be a source of comfort and joy to those around us, and bring your love and light into the world.

Protect us from harm and negativity, and fill us with your peace and presence. I am grateful for my family and all the blessings in my life, and I pray that we may use these gifts to serve you and bring goodness to those in need.

In your name, Amen.

May your Saturday be filled with peace, joy, and happiness. May you find time to rest and recharge, and may you be surrounded by people who bring positivity and love into your life. May you also find fulfillment in your endeavors and achieve success in your goals. May you be blessed with good health, prosperity, and abundance. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Not every storm, not every crisis, not every challenge or problem is bad for you.
What I mean is that some situations we encounter? Yes, they’ll be difficult. They will be painful.
But in the long run, that storm, it will be for your good.
That crisis will work out for your good. That challenge will make you stronger.
You see someone will get sick but recover in such a way that they can only acknowledge the hand of God, the miracle working power of the blood of Jesus.
Someone’s plans will get disrupted only to find that that disruption led them to a better destination.
Someone’s plans will get delayed. But that’s perhaps God’s way of saying not yet.
I have something better in store. I have a better time in mind.
Every crisis in life is not bad for you. Sometimes God uses adversity.
God places you in tough situations only for you to grow, for you to develop stronger faith, for you to mature.
So the next time a problem presents itself, the next time you face a crisis, just stop for a moment and ask God, what do you want me to learn from this?
What do you want to develop within me?
Our faith must be tested and perhaps Proverbs 17 verse three will give us a better understanding of why the testing of our faith is necessary.
Fire tests the purity of silver and gold. But the Lord tests the heart.
In other words, just as silver and gold are purified by fire.
So the Lord purifies the hearts of men by fiery trials.
If you want to refine gold, you use the furnace.
And if the heart of man is to be refined, the Lord tests the heart, meaning that my faith in your faith must stand trial at one point or another.
Our natural tendency as humans is to think that if something seems unpleasant, then it must not be from God.
But we must realize that God sees things quite differently than we do the trials that God allows in our lives.
They’re meant to make us complete so that we lack nothing as believers.
Trials actually come for our development.
As Christians trials come so that we can build on the current level of faith that we have and then reach greater heights.
That’s why the Bible says the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
The testing of our faith is what leads to spiritual maturity knowing this should change the way we view hardships and the way we respond to those difficult times in our lives.
Now, let’s pray, Lord, I thank you for bringing me through life’s adversity. And challenges through every storm.
May you develop my character through every crisis?
I pray that you will strengthen my faith through every challenge or problem.
May I become a more mature believer? Philippians?
3 12 through 14 says not that I have already obtained this or I’m already perfect, but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me his own brothers.
I do not consider that I have made it my own.
But one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus Lord, as we press on as we strain forward and run this race of faith, give us grace, Father, the grace to endure those uncomfortable lessons, the grace to hold on and never lose sight of your promises.
Father give us the grace to understand that sometimes the answer to our prayers may be delayed, but that does not mean that they are denied God.
Give us grace to understand that sometimes you might say no to our request because you have something better and bigger in store for us.
Should we experience any disruption in our lives?
May we understand that at times this disruption may be divine disruption.
You may intervene in our plans in order to guide us to a certain destination or in a particular direction.
But regardless of how uncomfortable the process may be, we will continue to trust in, you will continue to believe in you and to have faith in you.
Your word in James chapter one verses two through four. It says, count it all joy.
My brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing.
Father work in me.
Lord, help me to remember that when my faith is tested, you are working to produce a good work within me.
Lord Jesus, you are full of grace and compassion.
You’re full of mercy and kindness.
Lord, as you test my faith, I pray that you would cleanse me of all and pure thoughts cleanse me of all unholiness.
Lord created me a clean heart, oh God and renew a right spirit within me.
I pray that every trial you send my way will accomplish its purpose.
If it’s patience that you want to develop within me, then Lord may your will be done.
If it’s self control or humility that you want to develop within me, may your will be accomplished in my life.
I pray that even as my faith is under fire, let me not murmur and complain.
But instead, may I continually be found to be looking to you, Lord Jesus.
I pray that you would give me the strength to stand when my faith is being tested I pray that you would give me a heart that’s filled with joy.
Even when I’m being tested. First Corinthians 15 verse 58 says, therefore, my beloved brothers be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord.
Knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.
Father, I pray that I would be steadfast and immovable in my faith.
Whatever happens in this life, may it not sway me from my faith in Jesus Christ?
Should the miracle that I pray for come to pass or not?
May my faith still remain in you? Lord Jesus? Father. I thank you for hearing my prayer.
I bless your holy name.
And it’s in the name of Jesus that I pray and I give you thanks.

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