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Stop explaining yourself and telling people everything. You owe no one any explanation of what you do. Your life is yours, not theirs.

  1. In today’s society, we often feel pressure to explain ourselves and our actions to others. We feel like we owe others an explanation for our choices, and we’re quick to justify ourselves and our decisions in order to avoid criticism or judgment. But the truth is, we don’t owe anyone an explanation for how we choose to live our lives.

When we constantly explain ourselves and our actions to others, we’re giving away our power. We’re letting others dictate our choices and influence our decisions. We’re allowing them to judge us and hold us accountable for things that are none of their business.

The reality is that our lives are ours to live. We have the right to make choices for ourselves and pursue the things that make us happy. We don’t owe anyone an explanation for our choices, and we shouldn’t feel guilty for living our lives on our own terms.

Setting boundaries and saying no to explaining ourselves is an important part of self-care. It allows us to focus on our own needs and priorities, without getting sidetracked by the opinions and expectations of others. It gives us the freedom to make choices that are right for us, rather than constantly seeking validation from others.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we should be rude or dismissive to others. It’s still important to be kind and considerate in our interactions with others. But we don’t need to justify ourselves or explain our actions every time someone questions us. We can simply say “I’m doing what’s best for me” and move on.

In fact, setting boundaries and saying no to explaining ourselves can actually be empowering. It allows us to take control of our lives and make choices that are aligned with our values and goals. It helps us build our confidence and trust in ourselves, knowing that we’re capable of making our own decisions and living our own lives.

So the next time you feel pressure to explain yourself or justify your actions to others, remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Your life is yours to live, and you have the right to make choices for yourself. Set boundaries, say no to explaining yourself, and focus on living your best life on your own terms. You deserve it.

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